Poor Winston. He had a posh life in the suburbs but threw it all away to chase other dogs (loves people, hates dogs). He had six weeks in a four-week bad-doggie bootcamp before he could come home. Now, he has to go to the salvage yard every day with Dad instead of lounging around the house watching soaps. He's been reduced to enduring a white-trash dog house (two camper shells stacked on top of each other) out at the yard. How the great have fallen!
The good news is, he's too tired to misbehave when he gets home at night. So he lays on his doggie pillow and gives us reproachful looks.
ute dog! he sure looks tired. I have a dog that loves people but has trouble with other dogs, especially if ours is on a leash!
LOL, love the post! Poor doggie, Winston...
what a poor pathetic dog. Don't you just love it when they give you the "sad eyes"
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